Part 47: The Neclord Sidequest
Today, we continue with taking down a vampire, and we don't even really need to be there for it but whatever, let's just do it.
Nanami gets real disappointed that we aren't leaving, but them's the breaks.

The antibiotics I'm on are making me feel worse than you probably are, Nanami.

Wow, Jess is such a gigantic asshole.

What the fuck is he doing now

He intends to march on Neclord's troops, alone. Viktor's surprised that he knows where Neclord lives.

Klaus reasons that if Jess' army is defeated, Neclord will get 5,000 new zombie recruits. We have to go forward with his gamble.

Afterward, we head east to the mine shaft. Apparently, part of it caved in for some reason. Let's go explore.

Despite being otherwise visually uninteresting, I like the light touches, where there's gaps of shadow, sorta like a real mine.

Some ways into the mine, we run into Neclord.

Welcome to another unwinnable Neclord battle.

Despite this being unwinnable, he's not very strong.

Neclord attempts to use his True Rune, the Moon Rune, but it's bested by the Christ-like Bright Shield Rune.

As we leave the mine, zombies have flooded Tinto. If we had chosen to run, we wouldn't have been around to see this.

Like when we run, the Rune once again incapacitates Azure.

She once again picks Azure up and runs away.

The scene in Muse City also plays once more.

Nice change of pace to not be accused with Tinto's fall.

As we know from the alternate path, Lilly and Koyu's sister, Lo Wen, have been taken by Neclord.

Leona's downstairs, so we can rearrange our party. However, I'm only adding Killey in. We'll be acquiring two party members soon enough.

Guess we're heading to Tigermouth. Though, I don't know if it's a 'he', per se...

Kahn rejoins our party at a much higher level. You have the option of putting him in your convoy, but his Resurrection Rune is still useful for this stage of the game.

Who is this creepy lady... ?

Get out of here! This hussy is one of them!

Oh no. Wrong move.

Seriously guys. Stop.


Kahn offers for her to join us.

Not without fighting us, of course.

She's not very tough, though.

After defeating her, she reverts back to her cute bat form.

Sierra's... well, she's a snarky, condescending vampire. I like her a lot. One of the things that bugs me about her, though, is that all her purpose in the game is only for this arc and this arc only, and if you want to know more, you'll have to go play the Suikogaidens. Like Neclord, her inclusion feels a lot more like fulfilling a Konami quota than it does fitting into the actual plot of the game.

Sierra can also be put in our convoy, but she's worth bringing along because she has a really good Magic stat, and because I like her. Her Darkness Rune is not fixed, but she hasn't technically joined yet so we can't remove it. She gets another slot at 55, but no third slot. Her affixed Thunder Rune on her weapon is not able to be removed.

Next time: Sierra hits on Klaus.